Company history
Opportunities for the creation of the company
In the 70s of the last century, the entire oil industry of the Soviet Union worked with use of imported chemicals. At that time, demulsifiers were inside the hundred strategic products that the economy of the USSR was not able to function without at all.
Since there was a risk of import ban on imported reagents, the Ministry of oil industry of the USSR set the task of developing the most effective chemical products in the shortest possible time. Moreover, the task was not only to develop but also implement them in the oil fields. By that time the shop for demulsifier production was already constructed at the premises of PA “Organic synthesis”. The only thing left to do was to create a research and production structure for the development, production and implementation of domestic chemical products for the purpose of import substitution.
Company history
February 24, 1978
On February 24, 1978 the Scientific & Production Association (SPA) for chemization of oil extraction processes “Soyuzneftepromchim” has been established by Order of the Ministry of oil industry of the USSR.
SPA “Soyuzneftpromchim” included the Institute (as the main structural unit of SPA), production facilities (EII-8 (experimental industrial installation), EII-30, Urussinsky experimental chemical plant) and 5 territorial production offices (TPO), responsible for the implementation of reagents and technologies for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in the oil industry of the USSR. Each TPO included reception facilities for storage of chemical reagents, well equipped laboratories, special equipment and qualified personnel numbering 1000-1100 people in it.
Initially, the SPA produced a very narrow range of products. Later, the line of demulsifiers expanded. “VNIPIneftepromchim” was established as the organization of complex chemization. 40 years ago the Institute faced the task of maintaining the whole oil-field and integrated supporting it with oilfield chemistry.
In the mid-80s “VNIPInefteprochim” pushed about 70% of imported oilfield chemistry out of the market so far.
In 1985 the harmonious system of technological process chemization in oil branch, which included program & goal-oriented planning and chemization work management, research developments, production and implementation activities.
In 1992 the Oilfield Chemistry Research and Development Institute (“NIIneftepromchim” – the former “VNIPIneftepromchim”) separated from SPA “SNPKh” as the independent branch, and then it was privatized.
Unlike many of the country’s sectoral research institutes, it has managed to adapt to the new market conditions, while maintaining its activities, personnel and traditions.
In 2015, “NIIneftepromchim” JSC obtained the new owner.
From 2015 to 2018, the company got through reorganization, business process reengineering, repair and re-equipment of laboratories and office premises.