Engineering support

JSC “NIIneftepromchim” is engaged not only in the supply of products. Effective application of chemical technologies is possible only by reference to geological features of the horizon and extracted oil composition.

JSC “NIIneftepromhim” provides full consulting and technological support for the products and technologies developed

Expert personnel of the company carries out engineering support of technologies necessary for successful work at all stages –drilling operations, well development and production as well as further oil transportation.

Enhanced oil recovery and intensification of oil inflow

JSC “NIIneftepromkhim” provides a set of solutions for oil reservoir inflow stimulation ensuring maximum efficiency and profitability. The technologies are aimed at optimizing parameters of hydrocarbon extraction from productive formations.

Stimulation of oil production

  • Carbonate reservoir treatment – makes possible to implement effective intensification of the interval being treated by means of the adapted acid systems and to obtain the necessary extent of fluid movement geometry.
  • Terrigenous reservoir treatment. Productivization of wells exploiting terrigenous reservoirs or formations having decreased their deliverability due to secondary technogenic pollution of the near-well zone (penetration of clay drilling mud).
  • Acid packages. The professionals of the company with due account for the peculiarities of the geological structure, proposed a solution for stimulating the flow rate to achieve the full potential of a particular well. Acid packages are used to eliminate individual problems (sludges, emulsions, iron control) and to propose a comprehensive approach to these tasks solution (optimally balanced acid systems).

Oil recovery enhancement

  • Water shut-off systems. Eliminating the cause of well flooding happening as a result of water breakthrough from the wellsite of formation pressure maintenance or advent of original reservoir water from other horizons.
  • Deviation of the injected fluid flow. Upgrading the development efficiency of heterogeneous reservoirs with high water content of products (more than 80%). Blockage of permeable zones is put into practice by means of viscous gel-like emulsion systems of inverted type.
  • Straightening the injectivity profile (conformance control).
  • Enhancement of oil recovery factor.